Monday, April 26, 2010

Some facts about weather and climate change

Some facts about weather and climate change
The world is facing extremes of fluctuating temperatures recently. There is high temperature rise in some parts of the world, while temperatures have gone down alarmingly in other parts. So here, the question arises--: In the future, is the earth going to get warmer, or is there a possibility of an ice age?

People are quite confused and don’t know what to believe. The thing is that many short-term weather extremes don’t prove anything about the long-term climate change. Although some people may deny it, it’s a fact that humans are causing it and and it’s not just a hoax.

Climate scientists admit that they know very little about short-term climatic fluctuations. They claim to know more about what will happen in 2050s than what’s happening next year. It has been concluded that global surface temperature may not increase over the next decade, cause Natural climate variations in the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific would temporarily offset the projected anthropogenic warming. This, however, would not change anything about the long term global warming and that the earth is going to get warming in the long run.

Some scientists say that not 100 per cent of the global warming is due to greenhouse gas emission. Also that a warming of 2 degree Celsius or even more won’t bring the end of winter. Just like the metaphorical frog slowly boiling to death, we might not even realize these subtle changes for another few decades.

There are other scientific theories and even proof that the climate change that is happening is mostly man-made. There are still those other individuals that actively go out in the public to deny human-caused global warming .These activity usually has a political background and they usually address uninformed lay people who are unfamiliar with the data.

The solution lies in lowering the tide of rising emissions. People need to be informed not just about the cause but also the solution so they feel responsible to act, that they can contribute to emission reduction in their own household and lifestyle. They could only use the most efficient appliances in the market. Also they can cut down on air and car travel. Political solution lies in building an energy supply system over the next decade based primarily on renewable resources.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alternate fuels in automobiles

Alternate fuels in automobiles

Fuel alternatives are being manufactured on a daily basis. What might be the alternatives to the fuel that we are currently using? There is an alternative to that big buck vehicle we use and it can be easier to handle, costs less and most importantly in the present scenario it should keep the air cleaner from pollution as compared to using gasoline or diesel. One form of alternate fuel is the use of biodiesel. Biodiesel is a form of alternate fuel for running automobiles.

The use of biodiesel mixture is cheaper comparatively. Biodiesel is already being tested and is used in many places. It is being used in farms, in manufacturing and is being tested by many automobile makers. Biodiesel is not always a mixture of just diesel and additional vegetable oils, but an alternate source of fuels can also be found in soybeans, sunflowers and used vegetable oils.

Electricity is also a fuel alternative for vehicles. You just have to charge your car overnight, and the next day you can go for a ride.Your ride is going to be ready right at your home, no need to stop at the gas station and no worries about the emission, because an electric car is not going to give off the pollution that a gasoline or diesel car would.

Before using any other type of fuel in your vehicle, it is necessary to learn about that type of fuel. Do you need to change the alternator or the valves or the intake or carburetor. Small difference is there when changing to biodiesel or to soybean but when changing to electric or if you are considering running a motor on recycle garbage such as foods, then you must learn about harnessing the energy in those items before putting them in the gas tank.
Solar energy can also be used as alternate fuel energy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Paper recycling

Paper recycling

Paper is one of the most important materials used in homes, schools, offices, and businesses throughout the world. The newspaper we read in the morning, the box that holds our cereal, the paper we use for homework and business purposes and other documents that mark the significant achievements all contribute to our quality of daily life.

Paper is made up of plant fibres called cellulose, which are found in wood. Cellulose must be converted into pulp before being used to manufacture paper. Another potential source of cellulose is recovered paper for recycling.

The word 'paper' is actually derived from the word papyrus, which is the natural reed used by the early Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Papyrus was one of the many materials used for early historical documentation.This material paved the way for current materials we now use.

The Chinese were the first paper makers, using a combination of rags, fishing net, and China grass. Over the centuries the use of paper became widespread throughout the world. With the invention of printing press, the books became readily available and less expensive. The first newspaper, primarily made from rags, began to surface in the 17th century.

More paper, if measured by weight, is recovered for recycling from municipal solid waste streams than all glass, plastic, and aluminium combined. Regardless of where the recycling process starts, it is important what materials can be recovered in our community and how to prepare them for recycling.

After being collected, the recovered paper is transfered to a recycling center. Once it is properly sorted and free of contamination, it is compacted into a large bales and transported to a paper mill where the recycling begins.

To start the papermaking process using fibre, the fibre is shredded and mixed with water to make a pulp. The pulp is washed , refined, cleaned and then turned to slush in a beater.

The paper recovered from recycling is categorised into grades. Each grade of paper has it's own characteristics, as well as it's own value to manufactures. Generally, the category includes corrugated (cardboard), newsprint, mixed (different colours and types), and office paper. The lower grades, such as corrugated and newsprint go back into the same new product. Higher grades like the high quality fibres found in offices and schools, go back into printing and writing paper.

Paper recycling can be started in our own community and schools and has already become quite popular at both places.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Environmental Programs in Nepal

Environmental Programme in Nepal

The awareness and the protection program of the environment has become a burning issue .In recent times we are all aware of and curious to save our planet and now are ready to take upon the resposibility of saving our planet. Environment protection programs is increasing on a world-wide basis. Likewise In Nepal too , various environment friendly programs are being held from time to time.

The youth are specially seen to be participating on such programs. A few years back ,water rafting competition was held on the Bagmati river that runs through the Kathmandu valley.The condition of the Bagmati has been dereriorating since so many years and it has become a dumping site of all kinds. The water is dark , dirty smelling and stagnant ,except during the rainy season. So,it is not practical to raft through the river. The program was organized just to bring about awareness.

Similarly, certain school takes their students to various unauthorized dumping sited to initiate the clearing process.Althouh ,the cleaning program is just for a day or few hours it is hoped to encourage others to do the same and not to litter wastes just anywhere.

Recently, there was another environment protection program with the slogan”Mero bhawishya mero chaso” meaning my future , my concern. It encouraged people to join hands in saving the environment in various little ways they can.

Protection of the eco-environment (in Tibet)

Protection of the eco-environment (in Tibet)

Efforts to protect Tibet’s environment have achieved satisfactory economic and social results. Beginning in the 1980s,Tibet began to enact rules and regulations for the protection of the eco-environment, treatment of pollution, and control of pollution at source.

At present, the region is making efforts to revise the regulations for Environmental protection to guarantee healthy economic development. In 2001 and 2002 efforts were made on four occasions to examine the execution of the environmental protection law. This guaranteed the implementation of the relevant rules and regulations.

The people’s government of the Tibet Autonomous region sets great store by protection of eco-environment. It endorsed the plan for Development of Nature Reserves in Tibet in 1998, The plan for construction of the eco- environment in 1999, and views on the implementation of the PRC Program for National Protection of the Eco-environment in 2001.

Environment protection has found it’s way into the PRC program for development of Western regions and the 10th five-year plan (2001-5)-:
Undertaking treatment of sands on the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangho River and protection of natural forests in three countries on the river’s upper reaches. Thus far, the first-and-second-phase treatment of sands in Shiquanhe River of Ngari has been completed , and the project to plant trees and grass is completed.During the ninth five-year plan, 13,600 hectares of land were planted with trees and 62,000 hectares of land with grasses.

By the year 2000, the central Government had invested 994 million Yuan in the comprehensive agricultural development. Social and environmental results, were achieved through efforts to transform soil, build water works and plant trees and grasses.

Treatment of pollution-:
Alongside with fast economic development, Tibet faces possible environmental pollution . Efforts, therefore, have been made to treat polluted land , firstly, by controlling the supply of pollutants at the source. Technological transformation projects were programmed and 75 percent of new project were undertaken alongside with strengthened efforts to install pollution-free facilities. Secondly, the local government enacted a law in 1999 to demand 15 major important industrial enterprises in the region, who contribute more than 85 percent of pollution, should clean up their act.

Also, with view to protecting the health of the urban population, various cities and towns in the region are coupling formulation of their urban development plans with efforts to treat pollution. Sewage drainage and water supply networks were built. In 2002, a garbage burial ground was completed to handle household waste. In the same year, 1,693 hectares of grasses and trees were planted in Lhasa and Xigaze. In Lhasa, more households now cook with gas.
All these contribute to better quality of the air and a good environment.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Summary

A Summary

The global warming or rather the climate change occurring around the world can be seen and felt on almost a day to day basis these days. It can be seen emerging as a huge problem world-wide. It is affecting our environment and in turn, it is affecting us.Many faculties are being affected by it directly or indirectly. Business and trade, and in turn our global economy is indirectly affected by climate change as is our technology. Similarly, it has claimed many lives e.g. the tsunami, hurricanes occurrences are believed to be the outcome of climate change.

Many world leaders have taken it upon themselves to come forward and bring others in joining hands too ,to find a solution to global warming and climate change.First and foremost is the must of the developed and industrialized nations to cut down on their greenhouse gas emissions, along with less use of fossil fuel and nonrenewable energy sources. Industrial emissions , and automobile emissions also contribute to polluting the environment. Deforestation is other culprit faculty, non- recyclable items like plastics comes in that category too.

Many major factories and companies world-wide are now working on the possibilities of alternative fuels. The use of Solar energy is the best and can be used in central heating, in automobiles, in cell phones and in vast number of other things.

The temperature of the Earth is now increasing at such an alarming rate that the real question is ‘Is the steps taken by the nations and their leaders and the agreement made on various Earth saving issues is enough to counterbalance the negative effects produced and is there a required amount of reduction on the production of greenhouse gases now to save the planet in the future?The studies shown have not confirmed relieving results. Even the recent climate change summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2009 December had it’s limitations and did not succeed as many had hoped.

The most affected are the ‘underdeveloped and developing nations and their citizen’ cause those nations did very little to deteriorate and pollute the environment ratio wise as compared to other developed nations. Some of their economy is just starting to boom but alas, having to be pushed back due new environmental agreements. They are being the victims of environmental hazards created by the pollution made mostly by developed industrialized countries.

However, the world is united now to face the angry challenge of nature, almost vindictive it seems if we look as some of the recent natural disasters.Nevertheless, it must be united in finding solutions , and take care of Mother Earth and make it a safe and healthy place for the present residents as well as for future ones.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Trade and climate change

Any lingering doubts about whether the Earth’s climate system is warming have been put to rest. In most recent assessments the Intergovernmental Trade and climate changePanel on Climate Change , the world’s leading authority in climate science, noted the evidence of global warming unequivocal. This reality and it’s potential economic , social and environmental implications have driven climate change to the top of the international political agenda.The issue is now so serious that any delay could push us past tipping point, beyond which the ecological, financial and human costs would increase drastically.

Since the warnings surrounding the climate change were first raised, it has been clear that it is as much as an economic challenge as an environmental one. Many a studies have shown that changing climate has serious implications for national economics, and most alarmingly for developing countries -dire consequences for critical economic sectors such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Addressing climate change also raises a number of economic concerns. Governments have long realized that responding to climate change challenges will require adjustments to national production patterns that could have major economic implications. But there has been a general reluctance to make these adjustments for fear of how this may impact industrial competitiveness .

Such economic and trade competitiveness concerns have been an inherent part of climate change discussions since the beginning and will continue remain as a key determining factor in the success of any future climate change agreements. There has , however, recently been increased attention on a wholly different aspects of climate change and trade relationship, namely how multilateral trade policy might be brought to bear in addressing climate change.

The type of trade policy that could be employed is- reducing trade barriers to climate friendly technologies in order to stimulate the global flow of these technologies.

-also strengthening WTO rules on subsidies that contribute to climate change and in creating safeguard for those subsidies that supports efforts to combat climate change.

Other global issues concerning climate change

Other global issues concerning climate change

Addressing the climate change, food insecurity, and trade concerns in the time of global economic crises has now become more important than ever.Trade, climate change and food security issues are interlinked both positively and negatively and need serious attention for harmonizisation .World Trade Organisation (WTO)and the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC), respectively, should be mutually supportive so as to contribute sustained growth, food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.
Demands at the UNFCCC levels-:

-That Annex 1 countries ensures full and faithful implementation of the commitment made under the Kyoto Protocol,and make time bound commitment for deeper greenhouse gas cuts .

-Developed countries provide at least 1 percent of their gross national product to climate adaptation and the migitation fund and mobilize the fund in just manner and in the interest of developing and least-developed countries.

-Developed countries should provide financial and technical assistance to vulnerable countries, mainly developing and least –developed countries, to cope with climate-induced dislocation and distress, and address the concerns relating to environmental refugees.

-Implement measures should be taken to regulate environment-unfriendly use of biotechnology and the unjust application of intellectual property rights in the area of biodiversity agriculture and take measures to protect the environment and the rights of local farming communities over the biological resources and associated knowledge.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Climate change deal among nations

Climate change deal

The likelihood of a new global climate change deal starting soon is diminishing. The countries are so far apart on various issues on this topic. As per the Bali roadmap, everyone hoped the 15th session of the conference of the parties to the UN framework convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen would yield a deal to replace Kyoto Protocal, which will expire in 2012.

Although there was 30 page draft negotiating text grew to 200 pages during the 12 day talks, there was no progress on how to share the burden of future emission cuts. Developed countries have not offered emission reduction commitments to the extent required to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Many developing countries have demanded that rich countries take the lead by cutting their emissions by 25-40 percent by 2020 over 1990 levels.

The European Union has set itself the target of 20 percent reduction by 2020.It has offered to deepen it’s targeted cut to 30 percent , if other advanced economies , including the United States do the same. The US, wants fast developing countries such as Brazil, China and India also to make emission reduction commitments.

However, hopes that US would offer significant reduction commitments are increasingly giving rights to doubts. A climate-change bill was passed by US house of representatives, which if approved would cut US emissions by 17 percent by 2020. This approach would translate into reduction of only 4 percent compared to 1990 levels. Though the bill entails an 83 percent reduction by 1050, this an inadequate short-term target deprives the otherwise impressive long term commitment of meaning.

Futhermore ,the provisions in US bill that allow the application of border measures to import from other countries that fail to take measures to reduce GHGs emissions could further deepen divisions between US and the developing world.

Thus, the deal whose implementation will be effective in combating climatic change can emerge only if the developed countries and fast developing countries bulge from their current stance.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Global warming and Himalayan Glaciers

Global warming and Himalayan Glaciers

Scientists have now established that the earth's temperature is rising . This heating process that raises the earth's temperature is known as the global warming. It is now found that earth's surface temperature rose by about 0.6 celsius degrees in the last 100 years. Without remedial measures, many fear that the global temperature will rise 1.4 to 5.8 celsius degees by 2100.

The warmer earth's temperature could melt parts of polar ice caps and most mountain glaciers, causing a rise in the sea -level of up to 1m within a century, which would cause flood on coastal regions. Global warming could also affect weather patterns causing prolonged drought or increased flooding in some world's leading agricultural regions. The Himalayan glaciers would completely melt away within a period of about a century.In the process of melting new glaciers lakes would be formed, which would pose serious threat to life and properly of the people living nearby.

Glacier lakes danger to Nepal-:
At present glaciers are retreating in the Himalayan region, as a result glacier lakes are being formed. This disrupts communication systems and various infrastructures like the hydropower in direct or indirect ways, subjecting to the periodic catastrophic floods. Glacier lake outburst floods also produce peaks in sediment transfer.

In 1988 a joint team of Sino-Nepalese conducted the studies of the glaciers lakes in the Arun and the Sun-Kosi Basins. According to the findings of that studies , there are many glacier lakes in Arun, Tama Kosi, Bhote kosi, Trisuli, Buri Gandaki and Karnali basins. Xizang of China have some records of the glacier lake outburst floods events. Another study covered Lower Barun, Chamlang Tsho, Naulekh, Sabai Tsho, Dudh Kund, Morang, Tsho Rolpa, Duwo,Thulagi glacier lakes.

There have been many outburst History of Glacier Lakes-:
On August 4, 1985 the nearly completed Namche hydropower plant was completely destroyed by the Dig Tsho glacier lake outburst flood.It destroyed not only the Namche hydropower station but also all the bridges, trails, cultivation fields, houses, livestock along it’s path to the confluence of the Dudh-Kosi rivers at a distance of 90 km from the Dig Tsho glacier.
Since the 1940s there have been at least 10 cases of glacier outbursts within the basins investigated.

Himalayan glaciers are now retreating due to global warming and as a result new glacier lakes are being formed. At present the world attention is drawn to finding ways to resolve the global warming problems.

President Obama's answers to environmental questions

In November 2007, a small group of six US citizens-two screenwriters, a physicist, a marine biologist, a philosopher and a science journalist-began working  to restore science and innovation to America’s political diologue.Here are Barack Obama’s answers to some of their questions with global reference-: The US must get off the sidelines and take long overdue action to reduce it’s own greenhouse gas emissions.This is a global problem.US leadership is essential but solution requires contribution from all parts of the world particularly China,Europe and India. President Obama-:”I will restore U.S. leadership in strategies for combating climate change and work closely with international community.I will create a global energy forum-based on the G8+5,which includes all G-8 members plus Brazil, China, India , Mexico and south Africa,comprising the largest energy consuming nations from both the developing and developed world.This forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental issues and  will also create a technology transfer Program dedicated  to exporting climate-friendly technologies, including green buildings, clean coal and advanced automobiles, to developing countries to help them combat climate change.” He said further-:”America’s challenges in providing  secure,affordable energy while addressing climate change mean that we must make much more efficient use of energy and begin to rely on new energy sources that eliminate or greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” The President proposed programs that , taken together , would increase the federal investment in the energy research , development,deployment by $150 billion over ten year. He also encouraged communities around the nation to design and build sustainable communities the that cut energy use with walkable  community design .

In November 2007, a small group of six US citizens-two screenwriters, a physicist, a marine biologist, a philosopher and a science journalist-began working to restore science and innovation to America’s political dialogue. Here are Barack Obama’s answers to some of their questions with global reference-:

The US must get off the sidelines and take long overdue action to reduce it’s own greenhouse gas emissions. This is a global problem.US leadership is essential but solution requires contribution from all parts of the world particularly China, Europe and India.

President Obama-:”I will restore U.S. leadership in strategies for combating climate change and work closely with international community. I will create a global energy forum-based on the G8+5 ,which includes all G-8 members plus Brazil, China, India , Mexico and south Africa,comprising the largest energy consuming nations from both the developing and developed world. This forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental issues and will also create a technology transfer Program dedicated to exporting climate-friendly technologies, including green buildings, clean coal and advanced automobiles, to developing countries to help them combat climate change.”

He said further-:”America’s challenges in providing secure,affordable energy while addressing climate change mean that we must make much more efficient use of energy and begin to rely on new energy sources that eliminate or greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The President proposed programs that , taken together , would increase the federal investment in the energy research , development , deployment by $150 billion over ten year.

He also encouraged communities around the world to design and build sustainable commodities that cut energy use .

Production of climate-resistant crops

Production of climate-resistant crops

Climatic change have affected so many other faculties around the world, some we are aware of and others we are not. In other word,the impact of climate change can be considered huge in various fields, e.g. there has been production of climate-resistant crops as a result of that-:

Recently,some of the agricultural bio-technological companies have claimed that they have produced, genetically engineered climate –resistant crops in view of the changing world climate.Such crops would not be affected by the extremes of temperature. But the environmental activists are speaking out against it claiming it as biopiracy.

Biotech companies say that these new crops will be able to withstand the harsh environmental conditions of the a future planet affected by climate change. But the activists argue that the industry is simply looking to profit from long-established traditional knowledge.

There is no law that requires the disclosure of the origin of biological resources or associated traditional knowledge. Many countries are trying to acknowledge the production of origin of such crops and to share the benefits if at all.

The applications for the so-called climate ready genes have already been submitted around the world. But it may only be the new strategy by the biotech industry to profit from climate change. They might have seen a silver lining in climate change, an opportunity to assert that agriculture can only win the war against climate change with genetic engineering.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Man and his environment

Man and his environment

The long and tortuous evolution of the human race in the planet has reached a stage, when through the rapid growth of science and technology, he had acquired the power to transform his environment in countless ways. Both aspects of the environment, natural and man-made, is essential to well-being of man and to the enjoyment of basic human right-even the right to life itself.

The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well being of people and economic development throughout the world. It is the urgent need of the people of the world and duty of all government.

We see the growing evidence of man-made harm in many regions of the world. Dangerous levels of pollution in water, air, earth and living beings, major , undesirable disturbances to the ecological balance of the bioshpere, Tsunamis, hurricane, storms and earthquakes. There is destruction and depletion of irreplaceable resources, and gross deficiencies harmful to the physical, mental and social health of man.

In the developing countries most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development. Millions live far below the minimum levels required for a decent human existence, and are deprived of adequate food, clothing, shelter, education, health and sanitation. The developing countries must put effort to development ,bearing in mind their priorities and also must safeguard and improve their environment. At the same time, the industrialised countries, should make efforts to reduce the gap between themselves and the developing countries. The environmental problems in industrialise countries are generally related to industrialization and technological development.

The continuous population growth also presents problem on the preservation of the environment.

For the purpose of attaining freedom of nature, man must use knowledge to build, in collaboration with nature, a better environment. To achieve this it will take acceptance and responsibility of citizens and communities and enterprises and institutions at every level, all sharing equitably in common efforts. Local and national governments should bear the burden of large-scale environmental policy and action within their jurisdiction.International cooperation is needed to raise resources to support the developing countries in carrying out their responsibilities in this field.

Risk assessment for the hazardous waste management

Risk assessment for the hazardous waste management
Risk assessment is done to make the characterization of the potential adverse effects of human exposure, to environmental hazards. It is a tool for understanding the health and environmental hazards associated with hazardous waste and can improve the basis upon which to make such waste management decisions.

Risk may be defined as the probability of suffering harm or loss when the resulting harm is measurable. The hazard posed by a waste is a function of it' s toxicity, mobility ,it's persistence and also how it is contained. The human health risk assessment includes carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks to all receptors exposed to hazardous chemicals of the environment.

The introduction of chemicals into an ecosystem can provide a direct hazard to individual organisms, or may affect their ability to reproduce. It can affect the overall structure and function of an ecosystem or it's components.

Potentially exposed population should be considered in management of waste-:

Present and future population in vicinity of the site .
Sub-population of special concern e.g.young children in the case of lead contamination.
Potential on-site workers during any redemption.
What sort of sensitive public facilities are located near the site e.g. schools, hospitals, day care centre, nursing homes etc.
What outdoor activities occur e.g. parks, play ground etc.
What fraction of time do various sub-population spend in potentially contaminated area e.g. children in grade school.
What secondary exposures are possible e.g. contamination of crops at nearby farm.

Treatment methods for hazardous wastes include biological treatment, neutralization, oxidation-reduction, precipitation, carbon absorption, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, fixation/stabilization, and incineration.

After various treatment method ,there will always remain some residue to be disposed off. Land disposal techniques include landfills , surface impoundment's underground injection wells, and waste piles. Wastes should not be mixed.The location of each cell of different wastes should be clearly identified in a locator map or similar means. Surface impounments are excavated to store liquid hazard waste. Injection wells are used as a cheap method of disposing hazardous waste; They should be located well below drinking water aquifers.Unless these wastes are innocuous before disposal, they are like time bombs waiting to explode at the right moment.
Waste piles are non-containerized accumulation of solid wastes used for temporary storage. Research must be made to find economical ways that will render hazardous waste harmless before being put in their final resting place.