Friday, April 2, 2010

President Obama's answers to environmental questions

In November 2007, a small group of six US citizens-two screenwriters, a physicist, a marine biologist, a philosopher and a science journalist-began working  to restore science and innovation to America’s political diologue.Here are Barack Obama’s answers to some of their questions with global reference-: The US must get off the sidelines and take long overdue action to reduce it’s own greenhouse gas emissions.This is a global problem.US leadership is essential but solution requires contribution from all parts of the world particularly China,Europe and India. President Obama-:”I will restore U.S. leadership in strategies for combating climate change and work closely with international community.I will create a global energy forum-based on the G8+5,which includes all G-8 members plus Brazil, China, India , Mexico and south Africa,comprising the largest energy consuming nations from both the developing and developed world.This forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental issues and  will also create a technology transfer Program dedicated  to exporting climate-friendly technologies, including green buildings, clean coal and advanced automobiles, to developing countries to help them combat climate change.” He said further-:”America’s challenges in providing  secure,affordable energy while addressing climate change mean that we must make much more efficient use of energy and begin to rely on new energy sources that eliminate or greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” The President proposed programs that , taken together , would increase the federal investment in the energy research , development,deployment by $150 billion over ten year. He also encouraged communities around the nation to design and build sustainable communities the that cut energy use with walkable  community design .

In November 2007, a small group of six US citizens-two screenwriters, a physicist, a marine biologist, a philosopher and a science journalist-began working to restore science and innovation to America’s political dialogue. Here are Barack Obama’s answers to some of their questions with global reference-:

The US must get off the sidelines and take long overdue action to reduce it’s own greenhouse gas emissions. This is a global problem.US leadership is essential but solution requires contribution from all parts of the world particularly China, Europe and India.

President Obama-:”I will restore U.S. leadership in strategies for combating climate change and work closely with international community. I will create a global energy forum-based on the G8+5 ,which includes all G-8 members plus Brazil, China, India , Mexico and south Africa,comprising the largest energy consuming nations from both the developing and developed world. This forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental issues and will also create a technology transfer Program dedicated to exporting climate-friendly technologies, including green buildings, clean coal and advanced automobiles, to developing countries to help them combat climate change.”

He said further-:”America’s challenges in providing secure,affordable energy while addressing climate change mean that we must make much more efficient use of energy and begin to rely on new energy sources that eliminate or greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The President proposed programs that , taken together , would increase the federal investment in the energy research , development , deployment by $150 billion over ten year.

He also encouraged communities around the world to design and build sustainable commodities that cut energy use .

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