Sunday, April 4, 2010

Other global issues concerning climate change

Other global issues concerning climate change

Addressing the climate change, food insecurity, and trade concerns in the time of global economic crises has now become more important than ever.Trade, climate change and food security issues are interlinked both positively and negatively and need serious attention for harmonizisation .World Trade Organisation (WTO)and the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC), respectively, should be mutually supportive so as to contribute sustained growth, food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.
Demands at the UNFCCC levels-:

-That Annex 1 countries ensures full and faithful implementation of the commitment made under the Kyoto Protocol,and make time bound commitment for deeper greenhouse gas cuts .

-Developed countries provide at least 1 percent of their gross national product to climate adaptation and the migitation fund and mobilize the fund in just manner and in the interest of developing and least-developed countries.

-Developed countries should provide financial and technical assistance to vulnerable countries, mainly developing and least –developed countries, to cope with climate-induced dislocation and distress, and address the concerns relating to environmental refugees.

-Implement measures should be taken to regulate environment-unfriendly use of biotechnology and the unjust application of intellectual property rights in the area of biodiversity agriculture and take measures to protect the environment and the rights of local farming communities over the biological resources and associated knowledge.

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